Financial Literacy 


You may be young, but you are actually at the perfect age to start learning about money management, saving strategies, profitable ventures, and entrepreneurship. You can have direct access to our highly qualified Financial Advisors, who will guide you towards financial success even at a young age!

The Importance of Early Financial Coaching

University/College Tuition… Student Loans… Credit Cards… Spending Money… ALL of these financial factors are predictable in a young athlete’s future.

At the NBYMP, we ensure that our athletes are trained and developed in practical scenarios both on-and-off the court. We provide our youth with a concrete financial foundation so they can start to develop strong financial competencies. Our hope is that they continue these financial tendencies throughout their lives, in order to control of their financial future.

Financial Coaching

For older (high school) age groups, we discuss topics pertaining to:

Saving and Investment Options (TFSA, RRSP, RESP etc.)

Needs vs Wants

The History of Money & Transactions

Budgets and Planning

3 Sectors of Income

Debt (Credit Card, Student Loans, etc.)

Assets & Liabilities

For younger (elementary school) age groups, we discuss topics pertaining to:

What is Money?

Where Money Comes From?

Needs vs Wants

Simple Ways to Make Money

Introducing Banks and How They Store Money

Gains and Losses and more...

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Meet Our Lead Youth Financial Advisor

Nathaniel Gardner is a Brock University alumni of the Men’s basketball program, who graduated with a honours degree in Business Administration. During his time at Brock University he studied investing on his spare time and shortly after graduating acquired a portfolio of over $1 Million in Assets. This led him to be a Financial Coach. He is a Licensed Financial Adviser, who much like on the ball court will do whatever it takes for you to succeed in the game of finances, if you match his work ethic.