TORONTO, Mar. 1, 2019— The National Basketball Youth Mentorship Program (NBYMP) announced on Friday that they have hired Nathaniel Gardner as chief financial officer, who will also serve as a financial advisor for the program.

Gardner is a licensed financial adviser at Experior Financial Group who has worked at Hydro One, TD and other companies.

He is a graduate of Brock University with an honours degree in Business Administration. During his time at Brock, he studied investing and soon acquired a portfolio of over $1
million in assets, leading him to be a financial coach. Gardner was also a member of the Brock University Men’s basketball program.

“His ability to organize numbers and keep things organized will help the business overall,” NBYMP founder Kevin Wilson said. “For any business looking to grow substantially, having a CFO is definitely needed. He knows the culture of the business
and what the kids expect.”

In addition to his duties as CFO, Gardner is expected to lead the financial literacy component of NBYMP basketball camps, which includes talking to children and answering questions about finances at camps. The older (high school aged) children will learn about investment, taxes and loans, while the younger children will learn about where money comes from, banking and simple ways to make money.

“Being able to mix finance with basketball, my two passions, that’s really something that I discovered that I love to do,” Gardner said. “I’m a product of everything NBYMP
stands for. Being able to give back to the kids in a way that sets them up years ahead, so they have information that I know, that would be great. If one child is able to take control
of their finances plus basketball, they will be years ahead.”

The National Basketball Youth Mentorship Program is a Canadian mentorship program for youth that provides strong and valid mentorship from high-level professional basketball athletes, university athletes, coaches, and public figures. The program looks to use basketball as a resource to help youth in various aspects of life by providing access to strength and conditioning coaches, nutritionists, financial advisors, spiritual development coaches, mental performance consultants, academic tutoring, and university grants.